Haryana Weather: There will be heavy rain in Haryana in the next 3 hours, alert issued in these districts

Big Breaking Haryana Weather

Haryana Weather: Weighty downpour will happen in Haryana in the following 3 hours, alert gave in these regions Rainstorm has thumped wherever today.

There is development of mists in these areas of Haryana today. The impacts of persistent downpour will go on before very long. How about we know the atmospheric condition today-

Alert gave in these locale

There is plausible of weighty downpour in numerous areas of Haryana. The Meteorological Office has given an alarm in these regions today. It is being informed that there will be a great deal of downpour before very long.

It will rain in 2 hours-

Today, admonitions are being given about the climate in many locale of Haryana since morning. As per the data got, let us let you know that coming down in the following 2 hours is going. Light downpour has been seen in Sirsa locale toward the beginning of today itself.

It will rain in these spots

Alert hs been given for downpour today in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh including Delhi. Alert for hot downpour has additionally been given there.

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